"Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." - Amos 5:24 (CEB)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Youth and their Role in the Movement

The above video comes from Anakbayan-USA National Training. Since the weekend retreat was hosted in San Francisco, we had the opportunity to mobilize on the Philippine Consulate building. Protesting multiple recent political happenings including Typhoon Haiyan relief, the pork barrel scandal, and the political killing of activists, including Freddie Ligiw. Youth and students are often dismissed as lazy, ungrateful, and self-centered. In a movement for justice, however, the youth and students are characterized by their ability to "be bold and daring" and their energy in mobilization.

Serve The People. Words that echo not only in AB-USA's mission, but should also be words that Christians should live by. Jesus told his followers to serve those that need help, shouldn't we have the same conviction as Christians?

As we prepare for our trip, I hope to that my eyes, ears, and heart are opened to the Filipino people and to take what I will learn and apply it back to my work as a student and a Christian. Move for the Movement.

-Jordan Ilagan

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